My name is Evan. I'm a dad, husband, fake chef, and I like to write about it. In 2009, I walked away from my chefly adventures and made the leap to at-home parent. Almost two years later I decided to start writing stories about my experiences in a journal that I could someday give my kids. Gradually that turned into writing this blog.
My wife, Melissa, and I have two kids named William and Carter and they do their best to keep me on my toes every moment of every day. Being a parent has given me so many unexpected moments and I want to take note of all of them, not just the fluffy, happy ones.
For a small period of time I felt alone on a little at-home dad island, but after a little time with google I learned how many people are out there talking about their own dad life. These great stories from amazing parents have inspired me to attempt to share my stories with people.
So, I'll be honest and I'll try to keep the humor in otherwise frustrating situations. This is about my life as "dad."