Saturday, May 12, 2012

I just want to like the stuff I like!

Melissa and I read several books leading up to the birth of our first son. We sort of, glanced, at them again prior to the birth of our second. I would encourage any to-be parent to read up on the process, but there's just things that no book or even person is going to tell you. Now, while I highly suspect that anyone reading this knows me personally, I secretly want to believe that on some occasion you've told a friend that you know a guy who started a blog, and it's funny (or kinda sad)...check it out! So for those theoretical friends of friends who didn't get this bit of highly personal information...I used to be a baker.

The reason I mention this, is for a bit of perspective.

I may have accidentally been in the perfect profession as a lead in to being a stay at home Dad. The hours were generally long, and always started early in the morning. I was often ignored or given little respect. I was constantly expected to clean up another person's mess. I would get stuff on my hands that I couldn't wait to clean off. I was always indoors, with lots of noise, and almost always on the move. Lunch was always a test of speed, and most of the time...I kinda needed a hug.

The more thought I put into it, I realize that there seems to be only one thing my former job did not prepare me for when I made the jump to Admiral Von Homedad: TV.

BE WARNED! I will at some point do a posting of my over analysis of the shows on the Disney Channel. You people need to understand that in the almost 3 years now that I've been at home with the kids, I've spent a highly disproportionate amount of time with the characters on these shows versus people in real life. I suspect that all stay at home parents get that problem.

But no, when I say "TV" I'm not talking about the kid shows that try to throw in the clever "adult joke" from time to time. "huh huh, get it? Jimmy Moo? It's like Jimmy Choo? Remember Sex in the City? That Clairabelle Cow is such a Samantha!" Furthermore, I'd like to ensure everyone that we don't just watch TV here all day, neither my kids (who have much more pressing matters in the form of play destruction...hmm...playstrution? plastroy?) nor myself (aftermath containment unit) have time for that. I do though, get TV going as background noise for cleaning/mental unwind time.

 Specifically I'm talking about the commercials. I'm sure there have always been bad commercials, and probably the idea of a line of commercials for a particular product. However, I've noticed that being in drastically more contact with certain ones have caused me to not only loathe those commercials, but to swear off those products altogether.

My biggest issue is with the current onslaught of Kit Kat commercials where everyone is just sound eating the already annoying theme song. Know those? I have a huge problem with overly loud eating. I used to go upstairs when my wife would eat chips or,oddly enough, cereal. I love my wife more then I could ever put into words, and I respect her right the eat however the hell she wants. So I didn't do it in a mean way, I'd just disappear and come back when the carnage was over. My wife, who loves me an amazing amount for reasons I cannot seem to grasp, has made huge steps to bring down the volume. It's when you're able to make these types of compromises that you've got a strong marriage. Anyway, while it is mostly for that reason that the Kit Kat commercials make me want to live inside Kenny G's saxophone for a year. The other thing that gets me is the locations. Offices, libraries, whatever the hell else; in every situation I would have been screaming at people to stop eating rocks and old chunks of metal. No one should ever make that much noise while eating, and NO ONE should be that self involved so as to completely zone out to the fact that, "Oh hey, look at all these people around me trying to work, read, or pay their respects at a funeral. Oh well, it's time for me to have my barrel of bolts and roofing tiles!"

There's like 4 of these commercials, and while I know that people are still buying Kit Kats, I have to believe it's because people like Kit Kats and not because of the sound of a cement mixer going through a wood chipper. Much the way I don't think women switch tampon brands because of a lady jogging.

The books just never said I'd slowly go crazy from commercial exposure.

Also I think they should bring back 3D Doritos.

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